Sept. 4, 2018
Hello and welcome back to a new school year! For now, this message is to show you that I am updating my webpage for the year ahead and to say that I am very much looking forward to our classes this year. Stay tuned; I will wrote more in the new future. Meantime, see you on Sept. 5, our first day of school!
Ms. Gottlieb
Mar. 13, 2017
Hello 7th GRADE Students, Parents, Friends!
Thank you so much for a successful field trip to Ashland, to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to see Julius Caesar! I am sure you've heard a lot of stories from your students, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to give you MY take on the adventure and to thank our chaperones. A huge thank you to Brian G, Bharat G, Jon P, and Linda L for supporting me and my students and making the trip fun for the adults too!
The production of JC was visually stunning by way of the dancing, the blood (there was a lot), and the dynamism of the actors. I am hopeful that it really cemented the play for our students who had already read it in its entirety before we saw it. I am a huge proponent of the latter-- it is how Shakespeare, ultimately, is meant to be experienced. During our stay in Ashland there was time for play in Lithia Park, swimming at the Stratford Inn, dinner at The Black Sheep pub, a visit to the comic book store, Paddington Station, and just all-around hanging out.
Thank you especially to the student who were the responsible, fun, knowledgeable, young people that I know them to be. I am proud as their teacher to take them out into the world and show them off. I am also grateful to have the opportunity to expose them to Shakespeare, which I hope will be a life-long love for them.
I have buy-one-get-one free coupons for students for a future visit to OSF. Please let me know if you are interested.
Whew, we did it! Now onward to Spring Term... we will begin The Diary of Anne Frank today.
Ms. Gottlieb
Mar. 2, 2017
Hello 6TH GRADE Students, Parents, Friends!
We are quickly approaching the end of winter term and it's a time of wrapping up loose ends and starting to look ahead to spring and its new beginnings. I had so much fun with you reading And Then There Were None! Can there be any better way to show your teacher you're "into it" than by begging to read ahead? I hope you never have a "vacation" like the one on Soldier Island. But I do hope that you'll return to some Christie; she sure has enough titles to choose from. Next up for my personal reading is the ABC Murders which an acquaintance of mine teaches at the University at Buffalo (that's right-- Christie is college-level reading)! I also want to add that I am so proud of your ideas in response to the Rotary Club's essay contest about bridging the political divide in America. You have shown knowledge about our times, a a dedication to mutual respect, and an engagement with the political process. Right now we are in the midst of our literature circles and I hope you're enjoying reading in sync with some of your buddies. In case parents are interested in collecting titles for future consideration, our books are Under the Blood Red Sun, The War That Saved My Life, A Wizard of Earthsea, Wringer, and Jonny Tremain. With three of our authors written by women, three of our titles in the historical fiction genre, one a fantasy, one a dystopia, and publication dates spanning the 1940s through just a few years ago, I think we have some good breadth here.
Next up? Poetry. More writing. More reading. More sharing. More fun. Let's MARCH forward! :)
You guys rock.
Ms. Gottlieb
Nov. 10, 2016
Hello Students, Parents, Friends!
In this in-between time (post-Halloween, pre-Thanksgiving, pre end-of-term) I just wanted to take a moment to say hello to everyone and pass on some warm wishes. It has been an eventful week. Many of us feel a little scrambled and tired out. We have had some precious class time to share our thoughts in writing and engaging with one another and I hope that the English room has felt like a supportive space for all. I am proud of all of you for your insight, knowledge, and articulateness-- not to mention your respect for one another and your humor :)
A few things ahead that I am SUPER excited about:
1. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is coming on Nov. 22. Grades 4-8 will see them perform a whirlwind Julius Caesar and grades 6-8 will get to workshop with them. 8th graders are reading the play in its entirety now; 7th graders it will be your turn closer to March when the Shakespeare elective travels to Ashland to see the play.
2. I am traveling to Atlanta next week for the National Council of Teachers of English conference, where I'll be presenting with two other Corvallis teachers (Knoke and Egan at CHS) on teaching film in English classes. I am so excited (and to be honest, a bit nervous) to share my work with teachers from all over the US and Canada. I also hope to visit the Center for Human and Civil Rights while I'm there and learn more about Atlanta's history. I'll bring home stories to share! These conferences have TONS of book giveaways for teachers. It's like Black Friday meets a book festival.
3. 6th graders: you just rock in general. You fill my room with such energy and joy and I love seeing you first thing every day :) Keep reading and keep up that enthusiasm that your cohort is (in)famous for. We are going to start some "very scary" Agatha Christie soon.... watch yourself... there's a murderer at large.
4. On Grand Day there will be some sort of open mic/Coffee House in my classroom. Details to follow, but students, think about whether there's something you'd like to share! Parents are welcome to read/perform also.
5. Remembrance Day (what Canadians call it), Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving: I wish you some wonderful family time in the weeks ahead. It's time to think about our history and to show gratitude for blessings. Thank you, parents, for giving me your dynamic kids to learn with every day!
ps. 8ths are wrapping up Julius Caesar, 7ths have been reading several stories that focus on cultural practice and ritual, and 6ths just finished Journey to the River Sea and their first essay!
Sept. 5, 2016
Hello Students, Parents, Friends!
I have come into the school today on Labor Day to take care of some odds and ends in my classroom. That means placing I Want to Go Home on the white board (so it's ready for reading aloud to the 6ths on the first day of school), counting vocabulary books (I'm two short!), and wiping down the desks one more time with smelly cleaner. I am so looking forward to this room filling up with your chatter and laughter soon. It's not a classroom till the students are in it. See you all very soon! I can't wait to hear your summer stories and share some of my own.
Ms. Gottlieb
Sept. 25, 2016
Hello Students, Parents, Friends!
Wasn't Outdoor School terrific fun? I know everyone learned a lot, including me. We'll be writing thank you letters to the staff at Camp Gray for a few reasons. 1. Letter writing is becoming a lost art. 2. It's a great opportunity to reflect on our experience. 3. It's important to always say thank you when someone has gone that extra mile for your benefit. However, after those letters, we'll put Outdoor School to rest for another year and get cracking on our literature units! 8th graders will be hitting some My Antonia very soon, 7ths are already well into The Scorpio Races, and 6ths will finish hearing about MILLER!! in I Want to Go Home before beginning either The Giver or Journey to the River Sea once I think it over a little more :) We're also about to begin our first round of vocabulary tests, which I love. Bring on the WORDS!
Ms. Gottlieb
Hello and welcome back to a new school year! For now, this message is to show you that I am updating my webpage for the year ahead and to say that I am very much looking forward to our classes this year. Stay tuned; I will wrote more in the new future. Meantime, see you on Sept. 5, our first day of school!
Ms. Gottlieb
Mar. 13, 2017
Hello 7th GRADE Students, Parents, Friends!
Thank you so much for a successful field trip to Ashland, to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to see Julius Caesar! I am sure you've heard a lot of stories from your students, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to give you MY take on the adventure and to thank our chaperones. A huge thank you to Brian G, Bharat G, Jon P, and Linda L for supporting me and my students and making the trip fun for the adults too!
The production of JC was visually stunning by way of the dancing, the blood (there was a lot), and the dynamism of the actors. I am hopeful that it really cemented the play for our students who had already read it in its entirety before we saw it. I am a huge proponent of the latter-- it is how Shakespeare, ultimately, is meant to be experienced. During our stay in Ashland there was time for play in Lithia Park, swimming at the Stratford Inn, dinner at The Black Sheep pub, a visit to the comic book store, Paddington Station, and just all-around hanging out.
Thank you especially to the student who were the responsible, fun, knowledgeable, young people that I know them to be. I am proud as their teacher to take them out into the world and show them off. I am also grateful to have the opportunity to expose them to Shakespeare, which I hope will be a life-long love for them.
I have buy-one-get-one free coupons for students for a future visit to OSF. Please let me know if you are interested.
Whew, we did it! Now onward to Spring Term... we will begin The Diary of Anne Frank today.
Ms. Gottlieb
Mar. 2, 2017
Hello 6TH GRADE Students, Parents, Friends!
We are quickly approaching the end of winter term and it's a time of wrapping up loose ends and starting to look ahead to spring and its new beginnings. I had so much fun with you reading And Then There Were None! Can there be any better way to show your teacher you're "into it" than by begging to read ahead? I hope you never have a "vacation" like the one on Soldier Island. But I do hope that you'll return to some Christie; she sure has enough titles to choose from. Next up for my personal reading is the ABC Murders which an acquaintance of mine teaches at the University at Buffalo (that's right-- Christie is college-level reading)! I also want to add that I am so proud of your ideas in response to the Rotary Club's essay contest about bridging the political divide in America. You have shown knowledge about our times, a a dedication to mutual respect, and an engagement with the political process. Right now we are in the midst of our literature circles and I hope you're enjoying reading in sync with some of your buddies. In case parents are interested in collecting titles for future consideration, our books are Under the Blood Red Sun, The War That Saved My Life, A Wizard of Earthsea, Wringer, and Jonny Tremain. With three of our authors written by women, three of our titles in the historical fiction genre, one a fantasy, one a dystopia, and publication dates spanning the 1940s through just a few years ago, I think we have some good breadth here.
Next up? Poetry. More writing. More reading. More sharing. More fun. Let's MARCH forward! :)
You guys rock.
Ms. Gottlieb
Nov. 10, 2016
Hello Students, Parents, Friends!
In this in-between time (post-Halloween, pre-Thanksgiving, pre end-of-term) I just wanted to take a moment to say hello to everyone and pass on some warm wishes. It has been an eventful week. Many of us feel a little scrambled and tired out. We have had some precious class time to share our thoughts in writing and engaging with one another and I hope that the English room has felt like a supportive space for all. I am proud of all of you for your insight, knowledge, and articulateness-- not to mention your respect for one another and your humor :)
A few things ahead that I am SUPER excited about:
1. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is coming on Nov. 22. Grades 4-8 will see them perform a whirlwind Julius Caesar and grades 6-8 will get to workshop with them. 8th graders are reading the play in its entirety now; 7th graders it will be your turn closer to March when the Shakespeare elective travels to Ashland to see the play.
2. I am traveling to Atlanta next week for the National Council of Teachers of English conference, where I'll be presenting with two other Corvallis teachers (Knoke and Egan at CHS) on teaching film in English classes. I am so excited (and to be honest, a bit nervous) to share my work with teachers from all over the US and Canada. I also hope to visit the Center for Human and Civil Rights while I'm there and learn more about Atlanta's history. I'll bring home stories to share! These conferences have TONS of book giveaways for teachers. It's like Black Friday meets a book festival.
3. 6th graders: you just rock in general. You fill my room with such energy and joy and I love seeing you first thing every day :) Keep reading and keep up that enthusiasm that your cohort is (in)famous for. We are going to start some "very scary" Agatha Christie soon.... watch yourself... there's a murderer at large.
4. On Grand Day there will be some sort of open mic/Coffee House in my classroom. Details to follow, but students, think about whether there's something you'd like to share! Parents are welcome to read/perform also.
5. Remembrance Day (what Canadians call it), Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving: I wish you some wonderful family time in the weeks ahead. It's time to think about our history and to show gratitude for blessings. Thank you, parents, for giving me your dynamic kids to learn with every day!
ps. 8ths are wrapping up Julius Caesar, 7ths have been reading several stories that focus on cultural practice and ritual, and 6ths just finished Journey to the River Sea and their first essay!
Sept. 5, 2016
Hello Students, Parents, Friends!
I have come into the school today on Labor Day to take care of some odds and ends in my classroom. That means placing I Want to Go Home on the white board (so it's ready for reading aloud to the 6ths on the first day of school), counting vocabulary books (I'm two short!), and wiping down the desks one more time with smelly cleaner. I am so looking forward to this room filling up with your chatter and laughter soon. It's not a classroom till the students are in it. See you all very soon! I can't wait to hear your summer stories and share some of my own.
Ms. Gottlieb
Sept. 25, 2016
Hello Students, Parents, Friends!
Wasn't Outdoor School terrific fun? I know everyone learned a lot, including me. We'll be writing thank you letters to the staff at Camp Gray for a few reasons. 1. Letter writing is becoming a lost art. 2. It's a great opportunity to reflect on our experience. 3. It's important to always say thank you when someone has gone that extra mile for your benefit. However, after those letters, we'll put Outdoor School to rest for another year and get cracking on our literature units! 8th graders will be hitting some My Antonia very soon, 7ths are already well into The Scorpio Races, and 6ths will finish hearing about MILLER!! in I Want to Go Home before beginning either The Giver or Journey to the River Sea once I think it over a little more :) We're also about to begin our first round of vocabulary tests, which I love. Bring on the WORDS!
Ms. Gottlieb